Say hello to the cutest, sweetest, funniest, and curious 9 month old that has ever existed, I am sure of it! I can't believe we are here. It's hard to even remember that little cranky infant I birthed just 9 months ago. He is mobile, vocal, up for any adventure, and full of personality. I can't believe it's time to start nailing down some details for his 1st birthday coming up...insert momma meltdown. This has been the best and most challenging year of Ryan and I's lives, but our lives would not be our lives anymore without him in it. He is very much part of the Fee family.

He is an expert crawler now! He can propel himself along very fast and can hold objects while he crawls. He has also become our little expert climber. He can climb up and down stairs (thankfully we don't have any in our house) and he has even learned to crawl over to a step stool we have by the toilet. He holds on to the bathtub and the toilet while he shimmies himself up on it and stands and laughs being so proud of himself. This afforded me quite the freak out when I realized what he was doing. For some reason, I thought I had a bit more time before I found myself having to constantly rescue him from dangerous situations.
As far as movement goes, he can still pull himself up on anything and can cruise around tables, chair, etc. if he is holding on. He can also walk if he is holding on to your index fingers. He will be walking on his own before we know it!
He has started to really enjoy playing with toys now. His first inclination is to bang anything, but you can see him start trying to figure out how things work. He still has quite the affinity for cords of any kind, momma's cell phone, and in general things that are dangerous or could hurt him. We have our hands full that is for sure!
As far as language goes, he still babbles some (mainly ba-ba-ba-ba), but mainly shrieks. His only real identifiable word is ma-ma. I am looking forward to watching him continue to develop in this department and am trying to be more consistent in naming objects and people for him.
We have dealt with some serious separation anxiety this month. We have a super small house, but if you even walk away from him or out of his sight for a second, he freaks. I have seen him even get upset when his friend Elliot toddles away from him. He also gets sad when you take things away from him...I have read this has to do with his memory and object permanence improving. But, we have had to have some talks already about how his behavior is not honoring to Mom and Dad. He is probably not retaining much of what we say, but he does know the word "No" and if anything, it's good practice for Ryan and I for the future.

His favorite games are peek-a-boo, looking for things he sees me hide, and watching something or someone fall. Everything is still going into his mouth! And speaking of mouth, he has 5 teethers to chomp with. He started biting mom and dad some this month, which we have tried our best to stop. I feel like our kid would be the one in daycare who bites another kid, but he would also be the one to try and give said kid a kiss afterwards, so maybe that balances it out. He goes for the full out open mouth kisses which we thoroughly enjoy.
He is also starting to hug and really cling around your neck. If one of us are holding him, and the other says his name and smiles, he will act shy for a second and smile and nuzzle his neck into yours. We do this periodically throughout the day just for fun when one of us needs some baby cuddles.
He is quite the comedian. If he thinks he has done something good or funny, he will look at you, wait for your affirming smile, and then start cackling. He can really get his tickle box turned over. He loves when dad roars at him or throws him on the bed, or when mom drops anything for him.
Oh and this is him waving "bye-bye". He definitely knows how to do it, but will often do it after you have been trying to get him to do it for a few minutes and then you give up and turn around. Crazy kid with a mind of his own. This has been an adventurous month for us full of love from family and friends.
Here are a few of our favorite pics from the past month (or so)!
First time opening a stocking....notice no ornaments on the lower tree branches. |
New family traditions. |
Momma's heart so full. |
Testing out his new ride from his grandparents. |
Dancing with momma. |
Flew to GA for Christmas and was able to celebrate with my family. |
Gran, Grandaddy, and Lije Bear. |
Cousin Will and Elijah. |
Spending some time with my sweet grandparents. |
Friends for over two with babes of our own. |
First Santa experience....did much better than his momma did her first and second time. |
First time snow tubing. |
Little hipster. |
Watching airplanes take off during one of our many times at the airport over the holidays. |
We were able to reunite with special friends for dinner one night in our old stomping grounds. |
A little unsure about his life jacket during a night time boat ride in Fort Lauderdale. |
Our little chunks with his Uncle Chris. |
Another boat ride. |
Elijah and Bo-bo. |
First advent service. |
Our little reindeer. |
First Christmas morning. |
The rockstar and all of his groupies cousins on his first family cruise. |
All dressed up one night for dinner. |
Tired beach baby. |
Experiencing God's beautiful island creation. |
Catching a ride on momma's back in Saint Thomas. |
This is happiness captured in a picture for me. |
Elijah and the best babysitter in the whole world! |
What a wonderful time with these wonderful people
The whole Fee Family
Wasn't feeling the love at the moment but we were feeling that sunset. |
Elijah and his new friend. |
I remember thinking he seemed like a such a big boy playing by himself when I snapped this picture. |
My grocery shopping buddy. |
Elijah and his Nanny Jane. |
This dude has some serious hair...we got a little creative during one of our flights. |
Cheesing for the camera! |
My husband is a rockstar. He put Elijah asleep wearing him like this while he cooked a delicious dinner for me to come home to after work one night. |
Me and my favorite little boys. |
Elijah has become quite the lawn man. he tends to our carpet very well. |
First time snowshoeing at Crystal Mountain. |
Stealing all of these ladies hearts during a visit. |
Elijah at work. |
He fell asleep on the job...whoops. |
What an adventurous month we have had! You are so loved little guy by so many! I know by now that this next month will be nothing short of amazing watching you continue to grow!