Whew! 10 months is here folks....this has been one of the most difficult yet enjoyable months to date of Elijah's sweet life.
The past month was difficult mainly because Elijah and I both came down with a nasty respiratory virus that ended up settling in Elijah's chest and he had a hard time shaking it. For a minute, the doctor thought it might be walking pneumonia, but one traumatic chest x-ray later (seriously pediatric child x-rays are a legalized form of torture that I will not go into) showed us that thankfully it was not. I did not know this, but Seattle is the walking pneumonia capital of the United States in terms of amount of cases per year. Oh good. I am happy to report that we were both able to avoid antibiotics entirely which this pharmacist-momma is oh so happy about. Antibiotic resistance is real ya'll. One shameless plug is that we were able to boost our immune systems and control most of our symptoms with my doTERRA essential oils namely On Guard and Breathe. My love for oils and why I use them is another post for another day, but I am super happy to have them in my mommy bag of tricks and would love for you to enjoy them too. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me. My email address is lefee@icloud.com and I would love to share my experiences with you.
Ok back to my sweet Lije-Bear. What has made this month so enjoyable is watching his personality be revealed more and more, watching him get around, watching his curiosity peak, and without a doubt how much fun it is to play with him.
As far as personality goes, he is definitely out-going, but that is tempered by his overall calm nature. He loves being around people and to play, but he is also content most of the time to sit in mom or dad's lap or be carried in the ergo. He is super curious and into everything and always up for an adventure like for instance scaling furniture. If this boy can get a toe on something, he can climb it.
He loves to play! I can't say he has a favorite toy per say. If given the choice between all of his awesome toys and things he should not have, he would pick the things he should not have EVERYTIME. His favorite things are keys, pens cords, outlets, glasses full of water, and cell phones. He also loves a good roll of toilet paper to unravel, pulling books off the shelf, and banging on moms computer. Some of his favorite games are knocking down blocks, playing with kitchen spatulas and measuring cups, and pulling out the contents of drawers. It really is endearing.
Every night before bed, Elijah gets his second wind and we have our family playtime. Ryan will chase Elijah around the room and Elijah scurries away giggling and buries his head into my lap. It is THE cutest thing every and my favorite time of the day. Elijah also loves rough-housing with daddy.
Elijah is on the go ALL the time now! He crawls, climbs, pulls up, stands, squats, cruises around while holding on to furniture, and is SO close to walking.
We are still taking two naps per day, but the morning one is pretty short. I am not ready for him to drop that one yet though, so we will push to hang on to it as long as we can. He is sleeping much better now, but not completely through the night. He is making it to 3-4am though and then ends up sleeping the rest of the night with us most nights.
He continues to eat like a champ. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, oatmeal, smoothies, and anything else he can get his hands on. We also started brushing his teeth this past month and he really enjoys the time to look at himself in the mirror and mimic mom and dad. He babbles, claps his hands, waves bye bye, and responds to the the names Elijah, "Lije Bear" and Elias.
Here are a few of our fav pictures from this past month in no particular order.
Boy climbs on everything. |
Grocery shopping fun. |
Hanging out with mom by the fire. |
Toilet paper now resides on the top shelf in our house fyi. |
He worked really hard for those 6 teeth! |
Nothing like a little post nap sweat. |
A little male modeling. |
Most beautiful walk ever at Seward Park. |
A little neighborhood walk on a beautiful day. |
Cheesing with dad. |
Spatulas, one arm out of his shirt, car seat on the floor, and mismatching Seahawks socks...thats how he rolls. |
Love his sweet face in this picture. |
Experiencing Pike Place Market's clam chowder for the first time. |
Lovely afternoon lunch date. |
Playing in his room. |
We dig afternoon walks around here on clear days. |
Wake up daddy. |
New next door neighbor friend! |
Post seahawks loss....this kid didn't seem to care. |
Catching a little snooze. |
Our shaggy hair baby boy before his first hair cut. |
We waited as long as we could before we chopped it off. |
And after....so handome! |
He did so well...no tears! |
Momma might have shed one or two though. |
Playing at the park. |
Not digging the swings with his buddy Elliot. |
Sunshine in Seattle = reason enough for a momma-son selfie. |
Playing with Lije bear. |
Lunch post bike ride. |
Elijah's new ride. |
Playing with friends. |
Such a big boy! |
Blocks! |
Biker baby. |
Playing at mom and dad's language class. |
This kid. That helmet. Heart Melter. |
You keep us on our toes little man, but we love every minute of it. You make our lives more beautiful! All our love little 10 month old! Here's to another month of your beautiful life!