Well my baby boy has been 3 months for well over a week now, but just getting around to posting his 3 milestone post due to packing craziness and trying to spend as much time with family and friends as possible before we move across the country in a few days where visits with our east coast loved ones will be few and far in between.
What a month it has been though. At Elijah's last shot visit, he weighed in at a whopping 16.8lb and according to my at home measurements is 25 inches long. He rightfully deserves his nickname "Chunkers". People always tend to comment on the amount of hair that he has and his size. He is out of 3 month clothing already and into 6 months. If you could not tell by his size that he is his father's child, his hot-natured-ness will seal the deal. We have sweat through this blistering Alabama summer and survived because of our front porch swing and running around in diapers all day.

He is full of smiles now, he has started to find his voice and frequently coos and babbles which means mom and dad are "coo"-ing and babbling like fools too. His head control is insanely good. He does not love time on his belly, but I try and make sure we work in a few minutes of tummy time per day anyway and when he is down there he can lift up and hold his head and chest from the ground. He can roll over with assistance, but has not initiated it on his own yet. He has also figured out how to army crawl on his belly by kicking his very active legs. And might I add, his legs are super active. I do not think he is going to be the most flexible thing because he rarely brings his toes to his mouth, but I swear he can peddle and kick like Lance Armstrong! He shows such determination kicking his legs in the bathtub which never ceases to crack me up.

He has found his death grip and likes to pull mommy's hair out (which is falling out on it's own just fine, thank you). He loves gnawing on his little hands throughout the day and putting his toys into his mouth. He can also track things that interest him and will try to grab for them. He started to show signs of teething at 3 months, but now one week later, I can assure you teething is in full swing and we have a few sleepless nights under our belt to prove it.
Speaking of sleep, he goes down for about 6 hours at night and then is up every 2 or so afterwards, so not quite sleeping through the night yet since we put him down around 8pm, but I shan't complain because I know it could be worse. He still nurses about every 2-3 hours and take 3-4 naps per day, but they are not yet at super consistent times.
He is and has been such a joy. Ryan and I have already forgotten what life was ever like without him in our world. I have desperately tried to soak up these fleeting moments by playing, singing, reading, babbling, cooing, etc. with him despite the craziness around these parts and try to use our nursing times to pray over him and give thanks to the Lord for this incredible gift.
Here is what month 3 has consisted of according to our iPhones:-)
First time riding in an airplane and he rocked it. He is a great traveler. We just lug him along everywhere;-) |
Three generations of "Hamilton's" in this picture at Father's Day. |
Ryan's first Father's Day |
Such a goof. |
Daddy comforting one tired and cranky baby while we were waiting in the airport. |
Got to hang out with Mrs. Paula from TCASEL one afternoon. |
My precious boys. |
Looking more and more like a little boy and not a little baby everyday. |
Those cheeks...gahh-lee. First time sitting in the bumbo. |
He LOVES to be facing outward, so tried a new hold in my Maya wrap this month. |
His happy place. Where his nightly bike marathons take place. |
That arm chub....LOVE. Hanging out with sweet Mrs. Emily and buddy Elliot one afternoon. |
Helping me strategize for a family game of "Dirty Dog" in Colorado. |
Peace up, A-town down. He must have known he was flying out of ATL that day. |
Playing with daddy on the back porch in Colorado. |
Elijah's first 4th of July parade in downtown Breckenridge.
Can't wait to see how you continue to grow and develop in month four! Get ready, you have a cross country move ahead of you! Next milestone post will be written from Seattle...can't believe it!
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