What a month this has been for our little Fee fam and especially our little man. We packed up our house in Birmingham, hung out with as many family and friends as possible, said our goodbyes, sent our stuff across the country via crates, hopped on a plane to Denver, drove about 19 hours from Breckenridge to Seattle, stayed with friends until our things arrived, unpacked and re-decorated, and have been exploring and getting settled in our new city ever since.

And that's just us as a family, Elijah has been keeping himself very busy as well. Our little chunk just weighed in with his new doc at 18.95 lb and is 25 inches long! He is in 6 month clothing and size 3 diapers. Folks tend to think he is way older than he is...like old enough to offer him garlic bread. Not kidding...must be his girth and hair. He can now roll over from front to back and from his back to his side though he still seems content to lay on his back most of the time. He has found his vocal cords and is chatting up a storm now. He seems to be the most chatty at night when he is tired. Hoping for the beloved and long-awaited "ma-ma" or "da-da"soon. We have started introducing small bites of food. So far, his absolute favorite it watermelon. Boy can put away some watermelon. Boy gets angry when you take watermelon away. It's pretty hilarious. He also likes avocados and blueberries. He is still nursing frequently, but honestly we have gotten so comfortable with our breastfeeding relationship that I could not even tell you our schedule, but I can tell you when he is hungry or when he wants to comfort nurse. He has been teething pretty much this whole month so we are expecting his first few chompers to break through his gummies any day now. He is starting to grab objects so nothing on the table is safe. He caught me so off guard the first time. We were at a mexican restaurant and all of a sudden he had the chips basket waving around in the air. He survived our 19 hour car ride like a champ, but he HATED his carseat afterwards. We had to take several short trips to prove to him that not all car rides are 8 hours in length. Poor little guy. Ryan and I pretty much just drag him along anywhere and everywhere.

He has the cutest little ears, but we can't figure out who he gets them from. They stick out a little and are always folding over on when he is in his carseat or rolling around which never ceases to crack us up. He is starting to really love his activity gym, his teething toy Sophie the giraffe who we have since named Jesse, and a little carseat toy named Sully. I try to read to him everyday and he loves looking at pictures. He likes his bumbo for about 5 minutes and then wants out and since we have been in the apartment, he has also enjoyed his doorway jumper. Also, after the first few nights warming up to our new apartment, we finally put Elijah in his own room this past week. It was a big step for mainly me, but Ryan and I are happy to have our bed back to ourselves. I am still waking up with him about twice per night, but I am sleeping so much better in between feedings that I feel much more rested when I do wake up than I did when he was right beside me in bed. This seems to be working well for us at the moment.

So here is our crazy month via our iPhones:
Elijah's BFF Elliot who gives him awesome hand me downs and rocks him in his carseat. Can't wait to have Elliot and his awesome parents out here with us in Seattle. |
Enjoying one of our last front porch swings in Birmingham. |
Beautiful Gran and cousin Will at Lake Wedowee. |
Not loving the life jacket, but LOVES the water. |
Sweating with daddy at the lake. |
First pair of superhero jammies. |
Put him on a pillow while I was packing, turned around, and found him rolled over. |
Crazy hair, don't care. |
Last Sunday at house church in East Lake |
Took EH to visit Samford University, our alma mater, before we left Birmingham. |
Daddy and Elijah having fun in an empty house. |
Bye Bye house and stuff. |
Slight love affair with watermelon. |
Seattle bound! |
Rest area fun. |
Lunch break on the road in Utah. |
Always goofing around with dad. |
Waterfall canyon hike in Ogden, Utah. |
Reading in the car. |
One of my FAVORITE pics of Elijah. This is so him when he is on his tummy. |
First day in the empty apartment. |
Enjoying his jumper while we unpacked boxes. |
The best daddy in the whole world. |
Happy 4 months! |
The happiest I have every seen him in a carrier. He LOVED this thing and was squealing around the store. |
4 month doctor visit. |
We are loving our new life here in Seattle and our apartment is really starting to feel like home. We miss family and friends like crazy, but are so thankful for where the Lord has our family right now. Looking forward to all the new that is ahead of us this month and establishing some new routines for our little Fee fam.
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