Monday, June 23, 2014

Fee Family Announcement

We are giving Elijah the honor of making his first BIG announcement for our little Fee Fam...let's see if you can figure it out what he is trying to tell ya...

Hmm....starbucks, a cute baby, and a cardboard box that says "ILE"
Guesses anyone?
Here is another clue. 

If you guessed that the Fee fam is MOVING to the land of would be exactly right!!

In just 30 short days, we will be packing up and saying goodbye to our family, friends, and little house in Alabama to embark on a new journey out West where we will be putting down some new roots in the south Seattle area. We could not be more excited for what is ahead. 

We really do hope our family and friends here in the south will continue staying connected to our family via the blog and we promise to try and keep the cute pictures of our sweet baby boy flowing like good sweet tea! 

If you are interested in prayerfully or financially partnering with us in our ministry, please make sure Ryan has your email address where we can send you guys our updates that we keep separate from the family blog. Email him at 

Seattle, the Fee's are coming for ya!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Rest of Elijah's Newborn Photos...

I have already shared a couple of Elijah's newborn photos through the mother's day and father's day blog posts, but here are a couple more favs of our little man. I decided I wanted newborn photos seriously last after he was already in the world last minute. I had no idea I was supposed to schedule a tentative time before he was born with a photographer...whoops. I blame this on having incredible photography friends that I mooch off of for big life events. 

Anyways, insert Kim Brantley Photography to the rescue. Our little guy was growing like a weed and I really wanted to photograph him before he was man-size while he was still little. She graciously worked us in despite my poor planning, invited us to her incredible garage studio in the Birmingham area, made us feel right at home, and exhibited the most patience I have ever seen with a garage temperature set in the 80's to keep our little guy nice and cozy while he was naked. It's pretty incredible to see her work. I would have given up about 5 minutes into trying to capture some of these images. She also had our images ready super quickly. Don't let my posting at 10 weeks fool ya...I have had these babies sitting around since before Mother's Day.....AAANNNNDDD she was super affordable. Could not recommend her more highly!

Without further ado...Elijah Hamilton Fee at 10 days new.

Happy (belated) Father's Day

We were traveling back from a long weekend trip to Ryan's old stomping grounds on Father's Day, so I didn't have time to honor the best daddy in the world through this little blog. I did manage to write a quick Facebook status shout out and here is how it read with a picture tagged of Ryan consoling Elijah at the airport: 

"Screaming, spitting up, sweating, poopy, and overall unhappy baby at the airport....on Father's Day....and this guy is taking it in stride. Happy first Father's Day to the best guy I know! Thanks for being our little Fee family's provider, protector, priest, prophet, and now Elijah's papa. Thanks for showing us Jesus in the way you love and serve us both! We are crazy thankful for you!"

Thus why the belated blog post, but wanted to explain in a little more than 150 characters just how Ryan does serve as our family's provider, protector, priest, prophet, and now papa. 

Provider: He provides not just financially (thought he does) as 1 Timothy 5:8 commands, but also provides a vision for our family, he provides for our emotional needs, he provides for our physical needs, and for our family's future needs. 

Protector: He protects our family from false doctrine, bad companions, from making mistakes, from carrying more than we can carry, and if we were ever in harms way, I know he would protect us physically as well. 

Priest: A priest did two things in the Bible: he went before the people on behalf of God, and he went before God on behalf of the people. Ryan does this for our family by holding us accountable for our relationship with God, by leading our family in worship, by interceding for our family through prayer, and by asking for wisdom to better lead us. 

Prophet: A prophet in the Bible was someone who had heard something from God. God had spoken His Word and revealed His truth to them. A prophet was also someone who communicated what he had heard from God. Ryan does this for our family by teaching us God's Word, by discipling us, and by lovingly correcting/disciplining us when needed. 

This daddy business is not for little boys. Thankful my little boy has a real man like you for His Papa. 
Happy (belated) Father's Day my love. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Elijah's Two Month Milestones

I feel like I will start each of Elijah's month milestones posts with "Oh my word, how do we have a ___ month old." But that is truly how I feel. Time is flying. We are enjoying and savoring every minute of it  despite the craziness of life and am so thankful to watch our little boy grow. And might I add, "little boy" is a debatable term to describe our son because he weighed in this month at 14lb 4oz and 22.25 inches long. Yes, you read that right...I have a hard time believing those numbers myself...until I pick him up. Baby boy is as one sweet onlooker described as "healthy".

He is starting to get used to life outside the womb and has started to develop his own schedule. It's definitely nice to have some consistency. He is usually up and ready to start his day around 6am, plays with daddy before work, ready for a cat nap at 8am and real nap at 10am. His afternoon nap is a little more sporadic, he still hates 7pm, and is usually asleep by 8pm. We are still working on a night time schedule, but usually he sleeps well until 2-4am and then after that point, he is up every 2 hours until 6am. 

 My favorite milestone to date is this sweet smile! Can't get enough of this gummy goodness. He made my day one afternoon with the sweetest milky smile I have ever seen while he was nursing. I might be biased, but I think his head control is advanced for his age as he is pretty much holding it up by himself. If he is on his tummy he can also pick up his head and turn it from side to side. Nothing will get him to smile faster than a good fan, his mobile that I made for him during the Sochi Olympics, or when daddy pretends to bite his toes. He is a fan of toe-biting, but hates zurbers...crazy kid!
He does pretty well with other people holding him, but hold him at your own risk. Dude is the spit up king. He definitely has reflux, but thankfully not acid reflux and remains a pretty happy spitter. We are taking donations to help cover our water bill though because I wash SO many clothes now....ours and his. Our best spit up story to date is checking out at Publix and him projectile spitting EVERYWHERE! 

Here are some iPhone pics to document our past month!

Boaz laying around with his bestie.

Experimenting with my new and favorite woven wrap.

Strawberry pickin'

First time going to work with mom.

Elijah giving me my first Mother's Day card.

Elijah really enjoys playing with his activity gym.

First time golfing with dad.

Meeting Mila and Hudson for the first time.

First time feeling the sand beneath his toes.

First beach trip.

Mid-spit up.

Aunt Brit came to Birmingham for a visit to meet Elijah for the first time.

Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham.

First Birmingham Barons game.

At the McWayne Center for mom's birthday.

Sweet smile and first time in baby leggins'.

Best Sunday afternoon nap to date with momma.

How Elijah and Boaz usually pass out at night.

First time getting shots.

Keeping the money safe at our first yard sale.

Looking more and more like his daddy everyday.

Month two has been a blast little one. We love you and are so blessed by your life! Looking forward to what month 3 has in store for our little Fee fam!